SQL Eval Function DateTime
Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day.
Name | Description | Example |
DateTime_AddDays(currDate, value) | Returns a new DateTime that adds the specified number of days to the currDate . |
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DateTime_AddMonths(currDate, value) | Returns a new DateTime that adds the specified number of months to the currDate . |
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DateTime_AddYears(currDate, value) | Returns a new DateTime that adds the specified number of years to the currDate . |
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DateTime_Age(startDate, endDate) | Returns an age in number of years between startDate and endDate . |
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DateTime_DayOfWeek(currDate) | Returns the day of the week represented by currDate . |
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DateTime_DayOfYear(currDate) | Returns the day of the year represented by currDate . |
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DateTime_DaysInMonth(year, month) | Returns the number of days in the specified month and year. | Try it |
DateTime_FromBinary(dateData) | Deserializes a 64-bit binary value and recreates an original serialized DateTime object. | Try it |
DateTime_FromFileTime(fileTime) | Converts the specified Windows file time to an equivalent local time. | Try it |
DateTime_FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime) | Converts the specified Windows file time to an equivalent UTC time. | Try it |
DateTime_FromOADate(fileTime) | Converts the specified Windows file time to an equivalent UTC time. | Try it |
DateTime_IsDaylightSavingTime(currDate) | Indicates whether currDate instance of DateTime is within the daylight saving time range for the current time zone. |
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DateTime_IsLeapYear(year) | Returns an indication whether the specified year is a leap year. | Try it |
DateTime_Now() | Returns a DateTime object that is set to the current date and time on this computer, expressed as the local time. | Try it |
DateTime_Ticks(currDate) | Returns the number of ticks that represent the date and time of the currDate instance. |
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DateTime_ToBinary(currDate) | Serializes the current DateTime object to a 64-bit binary value that subsequently can be used to recreate the DateTime object. | Try it |
DateTime_Today() | Returns a DateTime object that is set to the today's date and the time component set to 00:00:00. | Try it |
DateTime_ToFileTime(currDate) | Converts the value of the current DateTime object to a Windows file time. | Try it |
DateTime_ToFileTimeUtc(currDate) | Converts the value of the current DateTime object to a Windows file time. | Try it |
DateTime_ToLocalTime(currDate) | Converts the value of the current DateTime object to local time. | Try it |
DateTime_ToLongDateString(currDate) | Converts the value of the current DateTime object to its equivalent long date string representation. | Try it |
DateTime_ToLongTimeString(currDate) | Converts the value of the current DateTime object to its equivalent long time string representation. | Try it |
DateTime_ToOADate(currDate) | Converts the value of this instance to the equivalent OLE Automation date. | Try it |
DateTime_ToShortDateString(currDate) | Converts the value of the current DateTime object to its equivalent short date string representation. | Try it |
DateTime_ToShortTimeString(currDate) | Converts the value of the current DateTime object to its equivalent short time string representation. | Try it |
DateTime_ToString(currDate) | Converts the value of the current DateTime object to its equivalent string representation. | Try it |
DateTime_ToStringWithFormat(currDate, format) | Converts the value of the current DateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and the formatting conventions of the current culture. | Try it |
DateTime_ToUniversalTime(currDate) | Converts the value of the current DateTime object to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time. | Try it |
DateTime_UtcNow() | Returns a DateTime object that is set to the current date and time on this computer, expressed as the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time. | Try it |