SQL Eval Function Configuration
Optional stored procedure for License and Configuration
CREATE PROCEDURE SQLNET_GlobalConfiguration AS BEGIN -- The procedure is automatically called when the server restart/assembly load -- If the assembly is already loaded, a manual execution is required -- EXEC SQLNET_Configuration DECLARE @isValid BIT = SQLNET::AddLicense('[LicenseName]', '[LicenseKey]') -- SELECT 1 SELECT @isValid -- SELECT 1 SELECT SQLNET::New(' EvalManager.Configuration.RegisterAlias("MyMath", "Math"); EvalManager.Configuration.ExpireCacheDelay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); EvalManager.Configuration.SlidingExpirationDelegate = TimeSpan.FromHours(3); EvalManager.Configuration.SlidingExpirationItem = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); return true; ').Eval() END
Configuration Register & Unregister
Register or unregister information used by the EvalContext under which the code or expression is compiled.
- RegisterAlias(string alias, string name)
- RegisterAssembly(param Assembly[])
- RegisterDomainAssemblies()
- RegisterExtensionMethod(param Type[])
- RegisterExtensionMethod(param MethodInfo[])
- RegisterGlobalConstant(string key, object value)
- RegisterGlobalVariable(string key, object value)
- RegisterStaticMember(param Type[])
- RegisterStaticMember(param MemberInfo[])
- RegisterType(param Type[])
EvalContext - Register & Unregister
Configuration Options
Change option used by the EvalContext under which the code or expression is compiled.
- BindingFlags
- UseCaretForExponent
Sets a span of time within the next time the ExpireCache method is invoked to evict inactive cache item.
Sets a span of time within which a delegate must be accessed before it is evicted from the cache.
Sets a span of time within which an item must be accessed before it is evicted from the cache.