SQL Eval Function SQL Server Eval
How to evaluate an arithmetic expression in SQL Server is a common subject. There are several reasons why an "Eval" function like JavaScript could be useful in SQL such as evaluating custom report fields for a trusted user.
Multiple partial solutions exist like using "EXEC(Transact-SQL)" which is limited, it cannot be used inside SELECT statement and lead to SQL Injection or using an homemade function which, most of time, fail supporting simple operator priorities and parenthesis.
SQL Eval.NET is a complete solution which, not only lets you evaluate dynamic arithmetic expression, but lets you use the full C# language directly in T-SQL stored procedures, functions and triggers.
DECLARE @tableFormula TABLE (Formula VARCHAR(255), X INT, Y INT, Z INT) INSERT INTO @tableFormula VALUES ( 'x+y*z', 1, 2, 3 ), ( '(x+y)*z', 1, 2, 3 ) -- Select_0: 7 -- Select_1: 9 SELECT SQLNET::New(Formula).ValueInt('x', X).ValueInt('y', Y).ValueInt('z', Z).EvalInt() as Result FROM @tableFormula
SQL Eval - Arithmetic / Math Expression
You need to evaluate a dynamic arithmetic operation specified by a trusted user or check a dynamic rule.
- Dynamic report calculation field
- Dynamic report query filter
- Dynamic rule validation
Eval SQL.NET supports all C# operators including operators precedence and parenthesis.
Evaluating an expression is very fast and scalable. You can see performance 3-20x faster than User-Defined Function (UDF) and you can evaluate an expression as much as ONE MILLION times under a second.
DECLARE @items TABLE (Quantity INT, Price MONEY) INSERT INTO @items VALUES ( 2, 10 ), ( 9, 6 ), ( 15, 2 ), ( 6, 0 ), ( 84, 5 ) DECLARE @customColumn SQLNET = SQLNET::New('(quantity * price).ToString("$#.00")') DECLARE @customFilter SQLNET = SQLNET::New('quantity > 3 && price > 0') -- Select_0: 9, 6.00, $54.00 -- Select_1: 15, 2.00, $30.00 -- Select_2: 84, 5.00, $420.00 SELECT * , @customColumn.ValueInt('quantity', Quantity).Val('price', Price).EvalString() as Result FROM @items WHERE @customFilter.ValueInt('quantity', Quantity).Val('price', Price).EvalBit() = 1
SQL Eval - Dynamic Expression
You need to evaluate and execute a dynamic SQL expression which requires more than basic arithmetic operators.
- if/else
- switch/case
- try/catch
Eval SQL.NET is flexible and supports almost all C# keywords and features including:
- Anonymous Type
- Generic Type
- Lambda Expression
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Select_Switch] @x INT, @y INT, @z INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @result INT SET @result = SQLNET::New(' switch(x) { case 1: return y + z; case 2: return y - z; case 3: return y * z; default: return Convert.ToInt32(y ^^ z); // Pow } ').ValueInt('x', @x).ValueInt('y', @y).ValueInt('z', @z).EvalInt() SELECT @result as Result END GO -- RETURN 5 EXEC Select_Switch 1, 2, 3 -- RETURN -1 EXEC Select_Switch 2, 2, 3 -- RETURN 6 EXEC Select_Switch 3, 2, 3 -- RETURN 8 EXEC Select_Switch 4, 2, 3
SQL Eval - Framework class Library
You have a complex SQL and you know C# Syntax and C# Object could very easily solve this problem.
- Regex
- DirectoryInfo / FileInfo
- String.Format
Eval SQL.NET improves readability and maintainability over complex SQL. It supports all .NET framework class libraries (FCL) that are supported by SQL CLR Framework Libraries.
-- CREATE test DECLARE @t TABLE (Id INT , Input VARCHAR(MAX)) INSERT INTO @t VALUES ( 1, '1, 2, 3; 4; 5' ), ( 2, '6;7,8;9,10' ) -- SPLIT with many delimiters: ',' and ';' DECLARE @sqlnet SQLNET = SQLNET::New('Regex.Split(input, ",|;")') SELECT * FROM @t AS A CROSS APPLY ( SELECT * FROM dbo.SQLNET_EvalTVF_1(@sqlnet.ValueString('input', Input)) ) AS B
Eval SQL.NET can be seen in SQL Server as the function "eval()" equivalent of JavaScript. Unlike common solutions limited to very simple math expressions, Eval SQL.NET features go way beyond:
- Access to C# Operators
- Access to C# Keywords
- Access to C# Objects
Getting better performance than User-Defined Function (UDF) and Table-Valued Function (TVF) is the Icing on the Cake!