SQL Eval Function Eval.Compile


You can compile C# expression at runtime using the Eval-Expression.NET library.

You can download it here: Download

The Eval-Expression.NET library can be activated with the Eval-SQL.NET license.

Compile and return a strongly typed delegate

You can return the delegate as a strongly typed function or action:

  • Eval.Compile<TDelegate>(string code)
  • Eval.Compile<TDelegate>(string code, IEnumerable<string> parameterNames)
  • Eval.Compile<TDelegate>(string code, params string[] parameterNames)


// Delegate Func
var compiled = Eval.Compile<Func<int, int, int>>("{0} + {1}");
int result = compiled(1, 2);

// Delegate Action
var compiled = Eval.Compile<Action<int, int>>("{0} + {1}");
compiled(1, 2);

// Named Parameter
var compiled = Eval.Compile<Func<int, int, int>>("X + Y", "X", "Y");
int result = compiled(1, 2);

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Compile and return a delegate

You can return the delegate as a generic delegate:

  • Eval.Compile(string code): Func<object>
  • Eval.Compile(string code, Type type1): Func<object, object>
  • Eval.Compile(string code, Type type1, ... , Type type9): Func<object, ... , object, object>
  • Eval.Compile(string code, IEnumerable<Type> types): Func<IEnumerable, object>
  • Eval.Compile(string code, params Type[] types): Func<IEnumerable, object>
  • Eval.Compile(string code, IDictionary<string, Type> nameTypes): Func<IDictionary, object>


// Overload: Up to 9 parameters can be used
var compiled = Eval.Compile("{0} + {1}", typeof(int), typeof(int));
object result = compiled(1, 2);

// Overload: params Type[]
var values = new List<int>() {1, 2};
var types = values.Select(x => x.GetType()).ToArray();

var compiled = Eval.Compile("{0} + {1}", types);
var result = compiled(values);

// Overload: IDictionary<string, Type>
var values = new Dictionary<string, object> { {"X", 1}, {"Y", 2} };
var types = values.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value.GetType());

var compiled = Eval.Compile("X + Y", types);
var result = compiled(values);

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